
How to care for a canary: 10 Top tips

How to care for a canary Om Om Kicau write here because among millions of kicaumania in Indonesia, there must be who want to keep the walnut but not accomplished too. The cause is diverse, one feels not yet have a provision about how care is pretty little bird. If that's the case, hopefully this article can help you to make a decision: buy walnuts now!

There are at least 10 things to consider in how to care for canaries or walnut maintenance , whether associated with kemandangan, feed, until some potential interference. The point is all the treatments for example that are moult or pulse of the feathers , jammed let gacor or diligent sounds and even even ngerol long with a loud voice, for the preparation of the race or just walnut or puppies, jamming sounds for fast sounds, from various types of walnuts such as af , f1, f2, f3, yorshire ds derivatives.

Here are 10 tips on how to care for a canary, which is specifically intended for beginners.

1. How to care for canaries: Avoid gusts of strong winds / direct

In hanging a canary cage, whether indoors or outdoors, keep the location is not exposed to a direct gust of wind. For example near or front windows, air holes, fans, or air conditioners.

This simple thing is often overlooked a number of beginners while caring for walnuts. To find out if the room is free from direct gusts, or a gust of wind, you can put a candle in front of the cage. Watch if the candle flame moves wild, it means you have to move the cage to a safe place. Leaving the walnut in a room that gets a gust of wind will make birds vulnerable to various diseases.

2. How to care for canaries: Avoid direct sunlight

How to care for a canaryExposure to direct sunlight, especially during blistering weather, can be fatal, even can cause death from heat stroke attacks . Conversely, the pattern of drying at the right time can bring many benefits to your bird.

For example, if you want to hang a bird, the recommended time is morning at sunrise and evening when the sun will set. Daylight exposure is tolerable, as long as you should always monitor the condition of the birds. When it starts to look panting, immediately lift and chill the birds, or it can also close the cage roof with a cloth for birds get adequate shade.

3. How to care for canaries: The availability of clean water

This is what should be your attention every time, Kenari has a high metabolism and can not live without water for more than 24 hours. Give clean and fresh water every day, do not give water directly from the faucet / plank which contains many chlorine. Some walnut fans now prefer to provide branded water bottles or refills, so that walnuts always look fresher and healthier.

4. How to care for canaries: Availability of feed grains

The main feed of walnuts is grain, in accordance with the shape of its beak. That is why the grain feed should always be provided in sufficient quantities every day. A good grain feed for walnuts such as canary seed , millet and niger seed, and better if it is a combination / mixture of the three.

5. How to care for canaries: Provision of additional feed

To add to the diversity of the menu, while keeping the nutritional balance, occasional canaries also need additional feed. Eg egg food is rich in protein, and is needed for walnuts in the period of growth and reproduction. Regarding what, how, and how to make egg food , please open the article here . Do not forget to give also green vegetables (eg lettuce, carrots, broccoli) and fruits (eg apples).

6. How to care for canaries: Provision of mulivitamin and supplements

When you feed from grains, egg foods, vegetables, and fruits, there are actually some essential vitamins in them. But sometimes we, as lay people, can not measure how much each type of vitamin that has entered the digestive organs of birds. In fact we can not ascertain whether certain types of vitamins are contained in the given feed.

Vitamin problems differ from the metabolic, protein, fat, or crude fiber, which can be predicted from a given rations formula based on given feed types, such as canary seed, millet, niger seed, lettuce, carrots, to apples. With the model of ration arrangement as usual done chicken farmers, we can calculate how much energy metabolism, protein, fat, and crude fiber consumed walnuts.

Vitamins are not like that, so breeders or breeders of birds, chickens, and ducks, generally get assurance of the adequacy of vitamins through the provision of multivitamins or special supplements containing multivitamins. If the chicken / duck known products such as premix, the adequacy of vitamins in birds can be obtained through, for example, BirdVit .

Another uniqueness of vitamins is that deficiencies have deficiency, or health problems due to lack of certain types of vitamins. For example, when birds get vitamin A and C intake but do not get enough vitamin B and D, the birds will have vitamin A and C deficiencies, with clinical symptoms according to the disorder (eg, vision is impaired and body condition is always sluggish).

But when the birds have excess vitamin, the excess will not be stored in the body as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, but immediately digelontorkan with urine and feces out of his cloakanya. Therefore, make sure the adequacy of vitamins through the use of BirdVit regularly, assuming that the deficiency is harmful but if the excess does not have a negative impact on birds.

7. How to care for canaries: Provision of minerals in sufficient quantities

Sama seperti vitamin, mineral juga terdiri atas puluhan jenis, mulai dari zat besi (ferum), seng (zincum), kalsium, kalium, fosfor, magnesium, dan sebagainya. Ketika kekurangan salah satu jenis saja, maka burung akan mengalami defisiensi mineral sesuai dengan jenisnya. Kalau kekurangan dua jenis mineral, burung pun akan mengalami defisiensi mineral pada dua jenis tersebut. Demikian seterusnya.

Therefore, the application of proper way of caring for canaries should remember that minerals are absolutely necessary for birds, although they are far less than nutrients like protein, fat, coarse fiber, and metabolic / carbohydrate energy. Some kicaumania use cuttlefish as a mineral intake .

But some analysts say, the cuttlefish contains too much sodium chloride (NaCl) or salt, so it is necessary to consider the effect on the blood vessels. In addition, excessive saltiness makes it impossible for birds to consume cuttlefish, while he still needs some other minerals contained in the cuttlefish.

For this reason, some kicaumania have begun switching to multimineral products that are widely sold in bird shops or bird kiosks, including BirdMineral which has a complete multimineral content. However, it is up to your own decisions, whether to use cut bones or more hygienic and effective instant products.

8. How to care for canaries: Keep the cage clean

Tips on how to care for the following canaries is a matter of cleanliness of the cage. The cleanliness of the cage is also an important condition in creating a healthy canary condition. Keep the bird droppings removed every day. Feed containers and drinking water should also be routinely cleaned.

Clean also birds perch at least once a week, because the perch is a footing ground birds, which must intersect with dirt (feces) and the rest of the feed. On the other hand, birds are often wiped his beak to perch.

9. How to care for canaries: Be aware of the presence of lice or mites

Be alert with some types of parasites, as they are slowly killing, both from the body (worms and mites of the air sacs ) or from outside the body ( red mites ). There are also foot mites that attack the legs. Although rarely cause death, foot mites in walnuts can also make the birds become disabled.

To prevent or treat parasites from outside, you can use trusted products like FreshAves . Special treatment of worms that already attacked the walnut, please open this page . As for expelling airbag mites, which enter the bird's respiratory tract, and often causes birds to freeze, please click the BirdFresh page , especially the description and how to use it.

10. How to care for a canary: Cut a long nail

When the walnut is one year old, the nails have grown long enough. For those of you who want to become a breeder, then before the match, try the long-nailed male nails have been cut first. If not, then long nails will hurt females when both are married. About technical nail cutting that is safe and not risky, please reopen the article here .

Thus 10 tips for walnut care for beginners, so this beautiful cute baby is always healthy, lively, active, and want to sing loudly.

Important: Your bird is less joss and easily stubborn? First read this .

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